148.15 km

Biking time: 6 hours 8 minutes

4995 km total

I got my odometer working again. That made me feel a bit better after only 4 hours of sleep on Wednesday, but not much. We were on the way out of Kingston by 10am and it wasn’t a bad ride – I may have been numb anyway. There was a short, but vicious hill coming out of Westport, that, along with the relatively weak headwind, made the ride feel longer than it was. A tepid pace is the best we could muster and the unintentional roadside nap probably didn’t speed things up either. We found our way to Goulet’s house in Kanata and were greeted by his friendly parents who also gave us a huge, tasty meal. We chilled out at his place for a while and after Nick and Courtney came over, we all headed to O’Connors for a few drinks. I got to bed at 2:30.

It was great hanging out with Thibeau in Kingston. I was really tired before getting on the bike. Not a good start.

It was great hanging out with Thibeau in Kingston. I was really tired before getting on the bike. Not a good start.


LOOKING BACK, 10 YEARS LATER: That hill going east out of Westport was really short, but on that day it was ridiculously steep. One person falling asleep on paved shoulder is funny. Both of us falling asleep was dangerous and stupid. Goulet is a good friend from university, and his parents were great. I don’t think either of us had met them before, nevertheless they barbequed and gave us a very comfortable place to crash. We hung out with more friends from Queen’s, Nick and Courtney, and it was a great time but I haven’t seen either of them since.

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