Chatting with Sally Francklyn

By Monday, October 28, 2013 0 No tags Permalink

Once I read this article and watched the video, I had to contact Sally. Her brain injury and its symptoms seemed to be very similar to mine. To start, we were both 23 when we had our accidents and I know first-hand about how it feels for someone that age, used to living away from home, ...

A change?

By Thursday, October 24, 2013 0 No tags Permalink

This is a bit selfish of a departure from my usual posts, but I feel like I need to write something. I have been hesitant to write posts like this in the past, but it's something that I hope will make me feel better. There is no need for any of my friends to be ...

Change is Not the Enemy

By Thursday, October 3, 2013 0 No tags Permalink

Why have a blog if I'm not going to write? Why write if I've got nothing to write about? Why write about anything if I've got nothing to say? That personal interview has been running through my head for the past several weeks and it pretty much sums up my reasons for not writing much recently, but ...

What the Dog (and everybody else) Sees

By Wednesday, September 4, 2013 0 No tags Permalink

I have been reading What the Dog Saw by Malcolm Gladwell and one chapter, in particular, got me thinking, naturally, about brain injury and how it is approached by medical researchers, support groups, and the general public. The chapter is titled "Open Secrets" and it is about mysteries and puzzles and the differences between them. ...

That Time of Year Again

By Monday, August 26, 2013 0 No tags Permalink

The NFL season starts on September 5 and you can be sure that soon all of the talk about brain injuries will focus on football; how do we make the game safer for the athletes, but still keep it the game that fans love (and will pay to watch)? Then there'll be talk about the ...

10 years ago in Victoria…

By Wednesday, July 31, 2013 0 No tags Permalink

On this day 10 years ago (July 31, 2003), I was in Victoria, BC, living in a great, one-bedroom apartment on McKenzie Avenue (on the corner of McKenzie and Shelbourne), not far from, and an easy walk to, the University of Victoria - which I was attending to do my Master's in Public Administration. I ...

So Damn Lucky

By Monday, June 24, 2013 0 No tags Permalink

'Not the face!' That's probably what I was thinking right before my head slammed into that tree in Victoria, BC in 2003, but I really don't know. The other day I watched 'Like Water', a documentary about UFC Champion Anderson Silva as he prepares to defend his title against Chael Sonnen  in 2010. During and after which, ...

Move and think.

By Wednesday, June 12, 2013 0 No tags Permalink

In an earlier post, 'Spring's on the way. Get moving', I wrote about how great Pilates and moving around was for me. It was with this inclination, that I began Tai Chi exercises on Friday - Tai Chi Qigong Shibashi; simple and relaxing. I became aware of this site through my discussion with Heidi at ...