Understanding runs both ways

By Wednesday, December 5, 2012 0 No tags Permalink

First off, Movember 2012 is over and the moustache is gone. Thank you to everyone who donated, whether it was to me or not, the money goes to the same very worthwhile cause. Now, onto the post... Yesterday, I tweeted  a story from the New York Times, "Report Urges ‘Cultural Shift’ as Hockey Coaches Defy Concussion Specialists". ...

The Education of Nick

By Wednesday, November 21, 2012 0 No tags Permalink

When I try to think of an idea for a post, I look to sports, news, pop culture, and usually find something that gets my mind firing. Sometimes, actually more often than not for my most recent posts, my idea seemingly comes out of nowhere, but once I get a hold of it, off I ...

Ding, ding, ding!

By Wednesday, November 14, 2012 0 No tags Permalink

I recently read a story in the Globe and Mail, "Stampeders backpedal on concussion talk" about Calgary QB Drew Tate who was hit in a head-to-head collision in the 2nd quarter of play on Sunday, November 11. At halftime, Tate said that he had his "bell rung" and couldn't remember the first half of play, generating ...

Defining success in rehab: exhaustion

By Wednesday, November 7, 2012 0 No tags Permalink

Admittedly, I didn't understand or even appreciate the importance of my physiotherapy rehab after my brain injury. When the doctors first told me that I'd be going to the Miller Centre (the rehab hospital in St. John's, NL) I was really excited! At least I'd be out of the hospital! I couldn't sleep. When I ...

It’s going to happen, learn from it

By Wednesday, October 31, 2012 0 No tags Permalink

Yesterday evening, as I was about to talk to receive a call from someone from the Mayo Clinic about their Concussion Program to discuss how I could be involved, I was thinking about what it is about brain injury that I want to share with people. I've said it in a more muddled way before, in ...

Mayo Clinic Comprehensive Concussion Program

By Tuesday, October 30, 2012 0 No tags Permalink

Mayo Clinic Comprehensive Concussion Program is on Facebook! The Mayo Clinic in Arizona has a comprehensive sports concussion program that focuses on protecting the health of concussed athletes through evaluation and education/awareness about prevention. Physicians from 12 sub-specialities of medecine are involved: neurology, neuroradiology, neurosurgery, neuropsycholology, headache medicine, sports medicine, physical medicine and rehabilitation, emergency medicine, internal medicine, ...

Call it what you want, just don’t panic

By Wednesday, October 24, 2012 0 No tags Permalink

Confidence, arrogance, or indifference. It doesn't matter which term you use, as long as you understand what it means to show any  of those characteristics. The popular conception is that confidence encapsulates valuing yourself, being proud of what you've accomplished and 'standing up for yourself'. The unfortunate circumstance is that the word 'confidence' (as used ...

Why do I write?

By Monday, October 15, 2012 0 No tags Permalink

Because, as much as it lets others ask questions, it encourages me to ask questions of myself. Granted, I have always questioned myself, I'm hyper-self-critical. In general, it's not necessarily a good thing. I hesitate or stop completely. I waste opportunities. I'll pass up a good chance (with a woman, for a job,...) for a safer, ...

Still Relating

By Monday, October 8, 2012 0 No tags Permalink

A few weeks ago I wrote a post entitled Relating. It was about the new (past 9 years, since my brain injury) difficulty I had relating to others. I discuss how it's tough to convey the experience and how great the help from my friends and family was. Recently, I read an article, entitled Voyages in Concussion ...