Thank you!

By Monday, August 11, 2014 0 No tags Permalink

So I’ve published my e-book, Detour, and now I’ve got to get it out there. The summer isn’t the best time to do this since people are on holidays, and not in front of their computers where they can see my tweets and Concussion Talk Facebook posts. I’ve reached out to people and organizations and I’ll reach out some more  before September. I’m going to promote my e-book more when people are back at work, university, and school. It’s been out for 10 days, and I’m writing this post to say thank you!

Thank you to all of the people who have bought Detour! It means a lot that people are actually interested in why I write the way I do, and why I write what I write. It feels great to have that support from friends, family, and from people who read my blog!

Thank you to people who have helped me spread the word about Detour by sharing my Facebook posts, by retweeting me, by email, word-of-mouth, and however else you have helped me get my e-book out there!

Thank you to everyone who encouraged me to write about my experience in the first place! Many people, from close friends to people I’ve met only once, have told me that I should write, that I could help others by doing so, and that I could bring a unique perspective to the discussion about brain injury. I like to think I am doing just that, while at the same time, I am sharing my more complete experience with people who didn’t previously know the bigger story surrounding my brain injury.

Thank you to people who have not yet read, not yet bought, nor even know that I wrote an e-book – it’s called Detour and you can buy it here, here, and here (time saving tip: those links are all the same). Why would I thank someone who hasn’t bought my e-book? If you intend to buy it, that’s almost the same thing as buying it, so I want to thank you. If you weren’t sure whether to buy it (for the low, low price of $7.50 or $5.00), maybe a thank you in advance will entice you?. If you have no intention on buying it, then there’s no harm done and you deserve a thank you for reading this post. If you intended to buy it, but forgot, then this long winded post is just a reminder.

Thank you!


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