Another new perspective from Tim Greve! Tim is an athletic trainer (certified athletic trainer, ATC) with a large hospital group in the Minneapolis and St. Paul metro area in Minnesota. He provides athletic training services to high school and youth sports. That consists of injury prevention techniques, recognition and evaluation of musculoskeletal injuries and emergency ...
Accepting Help
This is Christine's first article! Christine was a competitive soccer player from the age of seven, and began playing hockey later in life. Last year, while playing co-ed hockey, she was inadvertantly struck in the head, snapping her neck to the side. She then noticed a "fuzzy feeling" as she tried to make it to ...
Introducing new writers!
Last week I wrote Would you like to write on Concussion Talk? and, so far, four people have expressed interest! In the coming days and weeks, I will introduce each writer, beginning with Christine! Christine will provide a different perspective from mine, which will hopefully allow more people to relate. I'm excited to share her article ...
Share your story!
I am happy to say that the first time I tried this it was very successful! Thank you Ryan, Jiri, Tim, and Christine! I want to keep doing this, so please, if you're interested in writing about your brain injury/concussion, please contact me (Twitter, Facebook, email). Of course, Christine, Tim, Jiri, and Ryan are more ...
New ideas from a great weekend!
Maybe it's just left over excitement from last weekend, maybe it's my inclination to try something different, maybe it's simply my love of the sport, or maybe it's all three. Regardless, I'm thinking differently about how I'll approach swimming workouts, which will inevitably effect Pilates. This past weekend I went with the St. John's Water Polo ...
Loud noises
This guy knows what I'm talking about. I like to think I'm a fairly calm and relaxed guy. Not much rattles me. Some things did and occassionally still do, but they're becoming fewer and fewer. For example, I used to get incredibly frustrated by the speed at which my brain injury symptoms were improving. I don't ...
Trying another route
Like a Detour! But this post isn't about my ebook. It's about neuroplasticity and building new pathways. I've been reading The Brain's Way of Healing, by Norman Doidge. Doidge's first book, The Brain That Changes Itself,  is also a very interesting read that talks about neuroplasticity and how the brain can change. In The Brain's Way of Healing he discusses neuroplasticity ...
Yet another…
Yet another post of shameless self promotion for my ebook, Detour. This time, my alma mater, Queen's University, is helpng me spread the word! Detour is noted in the 'Book News' section of Queen's Alumni Review magazine's first issue of 2015. In the print edition, the 'Ex libris' section, and mention of my ebook is on page 40. It's not ...
Health Perch: Busting Pilates Myths
Article by ANNABEL FITZSIMMONS on Health Perch:
At the beginning of January I wrote that I would like to post more often, so I've set a schedule, kind of. Â I've written this blog since 2010, and finding something different to write about has been important. Since I've become more involved with Pilates I've begun writing more and more post about that, but ...